International Travel Support (ITS)

ITS scheme is designed to provide financial assistance for presenting a research paper or chairing a session or delivering a keynote address in an international scientific event (conference/seminar/symposium/workshop etc.). In addition, support is also provided to young scientists (age limit 35 years as on date of conference) for attending training programmes and short-term schools/workshops/courses. Economy class air-fare by shortest route, airport-tax and visa fees are provided under the scheme. Registration Fee is provided to young scientist in addition to the above support.

How to Apply Online

  • The researchers are required to apply online through the portal between 60-90 days in advance prior to the start date of the event. The system will not accept early or late submission of applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I was awarded Travel Support to attend an International Conference held in Washington during Oct. 2012. But, I could not attend the conference due to delay in getting Visa. Can I use the above support to attend another conference to be held in Jan 2013?

A1: No. The support given to one event can not be used to attend another. The researcher need to apply afresh to seek funding for another event.

Q2: I have been given travel support to attend an International Conference in Guanzhou, China during Nov. 2012. Air India does operate directly to the destination. Can I go by Private Airlines which have direct connection from Delhi?

A2: No. If Air India does not have direct flight, you should go to the nearest hub (in this case Hong Kong) by Air India, and beyond that you can avail the service of Private Airlines.

Q3: I have been recommended support to attend an International Conference to be held in Paris during Dec. 2012. I find the cost of travel by Air India is much higher than Private Airlines. Can I travel by Private Airlines as the cost is cheaper?

A3: No. You should travel by Air India even if the cost is more and the Board will reimburse the Air fare.

Q4: I have been awarded travel support to attend an International Conference to be held in Frankfurt, Germany during Dec. 2012. I find tickets are not available in Air India. Can I travel by Private Airlines?

A4: If tickets are not available on Air India, or for any other reasons, if you decide to travel by Private Airlines, You should get prior permission from Ministry of Civil Aviation. Without the Permission letter, SERB will not be able to reimburse the travel expenses.

Q5: Whom should one approach in Ministry of Civil Aviation seeking permission to travel by Private Airlines?

A5: You should approach the Director, SERB. Depending upon the merit of the case it will be forwarded to JS&FA, DST for further consideration and approval.

Q6: I have availed travel support earlier under this scheme and three year period has not been completed ( one month is left) yet. I want to apply for another conference now. Am I eligible?

A6: No. You should have completed three years. The duration of three years will be counted from the date of start of last conference to the date of start of the one you intend to apply now.

Q7: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?What are the criteria for awarding travel support?

A7: The Board receives large number of applications. The selection is made based on many parameters. Most important of them being the track record of the applicant as evidenced from the list of publications in SCI journals during the last 5 years and also importance of the conference. The Committee will try to accommodate candidates from different institutions and different category( students, women and senior researchers) of researchers wherever possible.

Q8: I have been invited by a Professor at MIT, USA to undergo training in his laboratory for 2 months to learn modern techniques. Such facilities are not available in our country, and this training will help immensely in furthering my research skills. Can I avail support to undergo this training?

A8: The Board receives large number of applications. The selection is made based on many parameters. Most important of them being the track record of the applicant as evidenced from the list of publications in SCI journals during the last 5 years and also importance of the conference. The Committee will try to accommodate candidates from different institutions and different category( students, women and senior researchers) of researchers wherever possible.No. The Scheme supports travel which are of international character. Any invitation of individual nature, even if they are important, will not be considered for support.

Q9: I have been awarded travel support to attend an international conference in London during Dec. 2012. I have a plan to spend 2 months in the laboratory of a Professor at Cambridge University immediately after the conference is over. Can I use the travel support to further my research at Cambridge University?

A9: You can use the travel support to hone your research skill at Cambridge University. But you should indicate the plan while seeking the support, and should return and settle the travel bill within 90 days.